

Technologies and technical equipment for agriculture and food industry


Volume 65 / No. 3 / 2021

Pages : 39-46


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Aleksey Kupreenko

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Bryansk State Agrarian University"

(*) Yury Kuznetsov

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Orel State Agrarian University named after N.V. Parakhin"

Тatiana Bychkova

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Bryansk State Agrarian University"

Igor Kravchenko

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Agrarian University-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev"

Nikolay Aldoshin

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Agrarian University-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev"

Larisa Kalashnikova

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev"

(*) Corresponding authors: |

Yury Kuznetsov


The construction of a solar dryer-grain storage facilities is described. The design of a auger conveyor-distributor of grain for its loading is offered. The dependence of the width of the discharge opening in the casing of the auger conveyor-distributor on its length is obtained. The results of laboratory tests of the auger conveyor-distributor of grain are presented. It is established that the minimum initial width of the drain opening for wheat grain should be not less than 9 mm. The conditions of uniform distribution of grain by the auger conveyor-distributor are justified: the filling factor of the auger interturn space in its loading zone – 0.35; the length of the discharge opening of the charging hopper should be equal to the doubled value of the auger pitch size. In this case, the uneven distribution of grain along the discharge opening will be no more than 5%.

Abstract in Russian

Описана конструкция гелиосушилки-зернохранилища. Предложена конструкция шнекового транспортера-распределителя зерна для ее загрузки. Получена зависимость ширины высыпного отверстия в кожухе шнекового транспортера-распределителя от его длины. Представлены результаты лабораторных испытаний шнекового транспортера-распределителя зерна. Установлено, что минимальная начальная ширина высыпного отверстия для зерна пшеницы должна составлять не менее 9 мм. Обоснованы условия равномерного распределения зерна шнековым транспортером-распределителем: коэффициент заполнения межвиткового пространства шнека в зоне его загрузки – 0.35; длина выходного отверстия загрузочного бункера должна быть равна удвоенному значению величины шага шнека. При этом, неравномерность распределения зерна вдоль высыпного отверстия составит не более 5%.

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